Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Composting: Part 2 - The Different Methods

If you missed the first part of this composting series discussing the importance of composting, feel free to go ahead and read it! Composting comes in many forms, and there are many ways to do it, but here are a few of the more common methods to help you get started with your own composting journey:

1. Hot Composting

This method simply uses containers that are created to conserve valuable heat, resulting in faster decomposition of organic waste. Some people prefer this method over other ones, purely because it takes less time to decompose their waste, even though it’s more work. The container must be efficiently insulated to conserve the heat created by turning and mixing the compost every so often, causing the bacteria from the handful of soil added in the bins to radiate heat. The containers take up a lot of space, so this method is typically used outdoors.

2. Cold Composting

Cold composting is simpler than hot composting simply because there’s less work to do on your part. You just have to keep adding compost layers over the existing ones without turning or mixing them, thus not producing any heat. It is, however, a much longer decomposition process compared to hot composting, but it’s still effective.

3. Worm Composting

This method probably generates the most fertile soil than any other method, as it involves redworms. These worms feed on your kitchen scraps, shredded paper, eggshells, and coffee grounds, transforming them into highly fertile manure. Worm composters usually come in bins with drainage at the bottom since your kitchen scraps produce a lot of moisture. It’s necessary to drain the compost every so often so as to not drown the worms. This method is quicker than cold composting and requires much less space than hot composting, so it’s ideal for indoor use, especially if you have limited space.

Whichever method you choose, it’ll come to the same result. We hope we’ve convinced you enough to at least start thinking about composting if you haven’t already. It’s such a simple and easy way to reduce waste and help our planet out, even just a little bit. To learn more about how to keep your soil healthy by composting and by other means, read Gardening Down-Under, by Kevin Handreck as a simple guide. Feel free to browse through our online library for more great gardening content and much more!

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