Ask any high performance/high risk athletes about how they do whatever it is they do, and odds are that at one point they’ll mention “flow,” that state of being in the zone where nothing else can distract you. Writers will often mention flow as well, times when the words seemingly pour out, when they can’t be distracted by anything else. It may be tempting to think that flow is a naturally occurring state that happens at random, but we have a lot more control over it than we might think, and that control comes from routine.
The decisions you make at the start of your day will determine how the rest of that day looks. It’s up to you whether you’ll sut up that day to optimize flow, or whether you’ll allow yourself to be distracted throughout the day. Your first few actions of the day make all the difference: Starting your day with a focused activity like reading or exercising can help you maintain focus throughout your day, whereas starting your day with emails or social media can put you in a reactive state, and leave you easily distracted throughout the day.
The key to regularly achieving a flow state lies in your routine, in the way you set up each and every day. You can design your routine to optimize flow, and you can do it in relatively short order too. Give it a try, you won’t regret it.
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