Writing is a noble aspiration, but one that certainly comes with its challenges. Here are four inspiring tips for aspiring authors that will help along the way.
Don’t get stuck on the details. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole when looking for specific statistics or even a particular phrase. Rather than interrupting the flow, a better bet may be to pop in a placeholder and revisit the trouble spot later on with a fresh perspective.
Train to abstain. Most of us have long since moved past pen and paper, even the typewriter has fallen out of favor. Computers tend to be the preferred medium to write, but they can also be a gateway to endless distraction thanks in no small part to social media. Training yourself to focus on writing while at the computer will go a long way toward increasing output.
Set boundaries. Many authors write from home, but this may give the impression to friends and family that they’re free throughout the day to chat. Setting boundaries during work hours ensures uninterrupted writing, and setting the phone to silent will go a long way in ensuring some peace and quiet.
Write everyday. Even if the motivation isn’t always present, writing everyday ensures it becomes a habit and guarantees it will produce a considerable quantity of content in no time.
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