Friday, August 31, 2018

5 Things To Do To Raise Your Spirits Up On A Bad Day

We don’t always have good days, and when those days come, we tend to sulk in the negativity that surrounds us. Even though this sometimes happens, there are a few things you can do to lift yourself up on those bad days, though:

1. Vent

It’s always a good idea to go to a trusted friend and vent about the day you’ve had. Keeping things bottled up inside is a recipe for disaster, as it doesn’t allow you to reflect on what happened.

2. Reflect

Once the venting is done, you’ve put it all out there and now you can reflect on it. Reflection allows you to determine what about the events of your bad day made it bad, and from there you can make some adjustments to your perception of it.

3. Feel what you feel

It’s important to pay attention to your feelings because at that moment they’re real to you. No matter how ridiculous they may seem, if you’re feeling sad, angry, or hurt, feeling these emotions could help you understand the situation better. That could then lead you to get over it faster. Sweeping things under the rug isn’t a good idea if you want to get past something. If you own your feelings, then dealing with how to change them will surely follow.

4. Read a book

We’re not all avid readers, but taking the time to read an interesting book can be a relaxing experience in it of itself. Perhaps feel-good or inspirational books like Pursuing the Good Life: 100 Reflections on Positive Psychology, by Christopher Peterson, where he discusses ways to lead a happier life through understanding a bit of how our brains work. There are tons of inspirational books out there, and a great place to start looking is in our online library,

5. Take care of your yourself

Sometimes, the stress we feel can throw our bodies for a loop. It’s always a good idea to find ways to relax, like drinking a calming tea, taking a bath, exercising, meditation or yoga. Whatever feels right for you at the moment, do it - your body will thank you.

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